In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Back is connected to our past. It stores old memories and emotions in the tissues that, over time, weigh heavily on the soul. By using ancient techniques and palpating the stagnant areas, the body remembers its own harmony. As Tara Brach says, “Our issues are in our tissues.” In this class, you discover the MAP to these issues.
Join Christy Marsh as she teaches how to assess the BACK using Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this class, you learn to do a physical, emotional, and energetic reading on a client (or a friend), to help them release their emotional blockages or “baggage.”
We will explore the MAP together using moxa to draw energy out and a demonstration on how to palpate the back, to bring awareness to what our body is calling attention to.
What to Bring: Water Bottle, Pillow and Blanket, and Notepad for extra notes
*Limited to 16 students due to social distancing
INVESTMENT: $234 paid through venmo @christy-marsh-2